(turn and face the strain)
Don’t want to be a richer man
(turn and face the strain)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can’t trace time-David Bowie
LeftMN is going to be undergoing some changes. Or is undergoing some changes. The phrasing doesn’t really matter I guess, things will be different going forward than they had been previously. That is the point I’m making in my typical plodding fashion.
That, good readers, will not be changing, even though other things will. Rest assured, superfluous sentences and paragraphs, such as this one, will continue to permeate my posts.
What is changing is the amount of participation by co-founding member Aaron Klemz. The new amount of participation will be zero.
Aaron, you see, has went and gotten himself a new job. This is essentially his dream job and for that we are all very happy for him. Congratulations Aaron.
Aaron will be writing a farewell post, or so he wanted me to write. We all look forward to that.
As a result of this development there will be a few changes at LeftMN that I will outline below:
1) The beloved LeftMN Radio Hour will be going on hiatus for the time being. If you are a regular listener of the show than you know how integral Aaron is to it and how hard it will be to replace his skillset. If you are not a regular listener to the show then this news will not have an effect on you at all, carry on.
We still have one more show to do, our very special last episode. More on that to come.
2) As a direct result of #1, I will be focusing more on the website itself and writing posts and such for it. And also new features.
3) #2 won’t be enough though, LeftMN needs some new blood. Not literally of course, but figuratively. I suppose literally we need beer and occasionally food. But figuratively we need new blood. So… are you or someone you know interested in contributing your voice? If the answer to that question is a resounding or perhaps tentative yes, we’re now officially accepting submissions.
I will get a proper entry form or some such thing worked out in the near future, but in the meantime, if you are interested you can email me at: tony at left dot mn.
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.