Cheaters sometimes win
Hers is the heartwarming story of a woman who made a name for herself by whipping a notoriously bad school system into shape and having the test scores to prove it, only those test scores were the result of widespread and systemic cheating, yet our heroine persevered and became a highly sought after cheating consultant. Because just cheating on the tests is so much easier than actually educating kids.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how you make a name for yourself by cheating, then you will certainly want to attend the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce’s Education Summit 2014 on February 6th, with special guest, known cheater, and heroine of the above story, Michelle Rhee.
This is the bio of Rhee provided by the event organizers:
On June 12, 2007, Mayor Adrian Fenty appointed Chancellor Rhee to lead the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), a school district serving more than 47,000 students in 123 schools. Under her leadership, the worst performing school district in the country became the only major city system to see double-digit growth in both their state reading and state math scores in seventh, eighth and tenth grades over three years.
As you can see, no mention whatsoever that her entire resume of results is based on cheating. Her history as a cheater has been whitewashed from the event.
Like most of these events, it’s a bunch of non-educators talking about how to better educate kids. The solutions, not surprisingly, usually have to do with making the job of the actual educators more difficult, and simultaneously, cutting their pay. It’s the classic model of success:
Phase 1: Demonize teachers
Phase 2: ???
Phase 3: Profit
Except in this case we know what Phase 2 is, it’s the privatization of the public school system.
By the way, this event is so hot, that the sponsors are no longer listed on the events webpage!
Those sponsors, you know for searchable words on the internet purposes, are;
General Mills
Minneapolis Foundation
Target Corporation
The Education Trust
Thompson Reuters
Congratulations to the above sponsors for being a part of this event, even if you don’t want anyone to know you’re a part of this event.
If you would like to attend this amazing event (and are not a member of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce) all you need to do is cough up $75 dollars.
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