These men shovel dirt II
It is Tuesday, end of the business day, and the Supreme Court has still not done its duty and dismissed the request of three citizens of Minneapolis to enforce both the Minneapolis charter and the Minnesota constitution. And while I think that plaintiff Doug Mann and his co-petitioners have made a good constitutional case, some people are clearly miffed:
“All that’s being jeopardized because three people still don’t like the project,” Dayton said. “We’re always going to have controversial projects…At some point, you’ve got to say okay, in a democracy, the project’s got to be able to go ahead, or people suffer, and people are going to suffer the very serious consequences of this project being derailed, and it could happen very quickly if we don’t get a very quick response from the Supreme Court. I realize that’s asking a lot of them, that’s much faster than they usually can proceed. But this is a very urgent situation.”
Sadly, Governor, it is a lot more than three people.
But the governor not only expects the Supreme Court to rule the way he wants, he wants it to be quick about it.
Yes, it is urgent, all right, but that is not exactly the petitioners’ fault. Some people may see it that way, but if it is an unconstitutional deal, it will unravel sooner or later. Better to find out now, methinks.
I like Governor Dayton; I hope and expect that he will be re-elected. But I take serious issue with his recommendation to the Supreme Court to just hurry up and do it his way.
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