Carolyn Jackson for House District 49A

January 23, 2018

Who is the best DFL candidate to run against first-term incumbent Republican Dario Anselmo this fall? If you go to Carolyn Jackson’s campaign website, you can read the endorsements of people who know and have worked with Carolyn and can attest that she is someone who gets things done. I provided one of them. Here […]

Katherine Kersten’s gift to Edina for Black History Month

January 22, 2018

“We must be tolerant of intolerance,” says the CAE’s Katherine Kersten

Thinning the presidential timber

January 9, 2018

It’s really self-thinning

Stephen B. Young is Katherine Kersten in drag

January 7, 2018

And I can prove it. Just read this. Now that Katherine Kersten doesn’t appear in the Strib so often, Young is it go-to guy for turgid polemics about American decline. His op-ed piece on Sunday the 7th of January (in the paper edition) was an epic vent-a-thon and an avatar for the genre. Before continuing, […]

Al Franken

Appointed Senators are actually good at re-election

December 11, 2017

In which the author takes down a Twitter hot taker


hPVI 2017, House edition

December 5, 2017

Partisan scores for Minnesota House districts


hPVI 2017, Senate edition

December 4, 2017

Partisan scores for Minnesota Senate districts


hPVI 2017 Explainer

December 4, 2017

A primer for the fifth edition of hPVI, Minnesota’s most beloved Legislative district metric

Steve Sack returns as a guest to Drinking Liberally

November 11, 2017

This is early notice but for a reason. [Update: The Strib distribution people say it takes about a week after placing an order for the book to arrive. With the Thanksgiving holiday next week, I suggest you get any order in by say, Saturday the 18th.] On Thursday, November 30th, the Star Tribune cartoonist Steve Sack […]

White flight, racial covenants, and sundown town

November 5, 2017

Carpet bombing with racism

Suck it up, boys

November 1, 2017

“Quite Frankly” Sutter’s husband spouts off

Longing for the days of Jim Crow

October 31, 2017

Charles and Tanner take Katherine Kersten to the woodshed.