Benghazi, merchandised, a reprise

October 7, 2015

This is a reprise of a story here back in May. Only now we know, because of Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s unguarded — that is, truthful — remarks, what a smear job it was from the start. This baby is available at CafePress, but you will have to find it on your own. This is the […]

God has more words with Michele

October 7, 2015

Michele? . . . Michele! Where the hell are you, Michele? Oh, Marcus, don’t you dare swear at me! I’m not Marcus. Stop kidding, Marcus! I’m not kidding; I’m not Marcus. There you are: in the wine cellar you say you don’t have. [sharp intake of breath] Huuuuuuuuuuuh! An intruder! Don’t touch me; I’m armed! […]

A judge wins a Spotty ™!

October 5, 2015

For his thoughtful Strib op-ed essay on reinvigorating public trust in the judiciary, the Honorable Kevin S. Burke, a judge of the District Court in Hennepin County, wins the coveted Spotty™ award. Evidence of the low regard in which judges and the judiciary are held is all around, and it’s been particularly evident in remarks by Republican […]

Penny-ante wire fraud

September 30, 2015

If you give money to the MNGOP, the Obama-Iran deal will fail. All right, it’s a little oblique, but here’s how it is supposed to work: The consequences of this nuclear deal with Iran cannot be overstated. A Republican in the White House is the only chance we have at stopping the agreement from becoming […]

Mr. Pope, please sweep your own doorstep first

September 28, 2015

Symbolism of the papal visit: Do as we say, not as we do

Get your election predictions here!

September 26, 2015

Michael Brodkorb, former Republican Party activist and current special correspondent to the Star Tribune, was the guest at Drinking Liberally on September 24th to talk about, especially, the race for Republicans in the Second Congressional District. But some other things got discussed, too. If memory serves, and I believe it does, here’s how Michael sees […]

Intensification slowly yields to extensification

September 26, 2015

The death throes of the Industrial Revolution

Wow, the GOP created a job!

September 25, 2015

Republicans show us how job creation can happen

What do you do when your Sugar Daddy is out of sugar?

September 24, 2015

Please see the updates below. This is no doubt the question on the minds of all of the bright lights at PolyMet Mining at the moment. You see, PolyMet recently released its second quarter financials, and it made just as much money in the last quarter as it has ever quarter of its existence, going […]

2016 GOP WH win = Hubris + War

September 17, 2015

“War! Children, it’s just a shot away, it’s just a shot away, yeah!”
Gimme Shelter, Rolling Stones

Kelly & CPAC Mack, perfunctory apologists, an alternative view

September 14, 2015

An alternate wording and view of the Kelly CPAC Mack apologies

Oh Oh! Lying lawmakers. Who’d have thought?

September 11, 2015

Kelly and CPAC Mack are willing to lie profusely