Meredith Shiner wins a Spotty ™

August 20, 2024

The media or your lyin’ eyes?

The perils of insularity and tribalism

June 23, 2018

I’m talking to you, Democrats

“Fascism is the result of the failure of the left to provide an alternative”

March 27, 2017

Update 4/7/17: Readers here know that I am an admirer of writer Thomas Frank. He just finished a long and international book tour that ended in his home town, Kansas City. I am sure it was kind of a valedictory presentation for him. Here’s a video of his appearance at the Kansas City Public Library; […]

Dogs get blamed for farts, too

December 17, 2016

There was a reprint of a WaPo article in the Strib this morning, about how the FBI was now agreeing with the CIA about Russian hacking of the DNC and Clinton campaign chair, John Podesta. Great, I thought, seizing the newspaper, now we will get to the bottom of this! But not really. It was […]

A David Schultz reader

August 2, 2016

Hamline’s Professor David Schultz has had a series of insightful posts about the presidential race on his blog, Schultz’s Take. Professor Schultz writes stories here once in a while, and I am tempted to crib his latest batch en masse. But I will make you go over to his blog instead. You might start with […]

Pity the elites!

August 1, 2016

And look out for them damned Russkies

Not just her thumb . . .

May 21, 2016

Sanders supporters have accused DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz of having her thumb or finger on the scale for Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic nomination. Personally, I think it’s a different part of her anatomy, because she is sitting on the scale. Cooking up the money laundry service known as the Hillary […]

There once was a gal named Hill’ry

May 15, 2016

Even though LeftMN is primarily a state politics website, and even though we are drawing close to the constitutionally-mandated close of the Minnesota Legislature – so there is plenty to talk about there – I am irresistibly drawn to the contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. As readers here know, I am a fan […]

How Trump may shock the world again

May 8, 2016

And why Hillary Clinton is running as a Republican

Why it isn’t called “The Down Ballot Victory Fund”

May 6, 2016

I wrote before about an article in Politico describing the Hillary Victory Fund, and its operation in Minnesota, too. I was trying to find out about the HVF before the Politico article, but it piqued my interest even more. The gloss put on the HVF by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee is that it provided […]

Zero, zip, zilch, nada

May 2, 2016

Among the criticisms you will hear as a Bernie Sanders supporter is that Bernie is not a “real” Democrat (although he’s always caucused with them in Congress), and that he’s not assisting down-ballot Democrats. Sometimes, the Clinton partisans will even point to the joint fundraising program called the Hillary Victory Fund as evidence that Hillary […]