The Weekly Wrap 9-16
Polls and ads, polls and ads, the campaign season is officially in full swing now that the polls and ads are coming in waves.
♣ There was a bunch of Minnesota centric polling that came out this week. And even more posts by me about those polls. Observe:
There was the Kurt Bills internal. The Jim Graves internal. The amendments portion of the SurveyUSA poll. The amendments portion of the Public Policy Polling poll. And the Obama – Romney, Klobuchar – Bills portions of those two public polls.
♣ Alliance for a Better Minnesota is running legislative ads, a new trend in Minnesota political advertising!
You can find more on their YouTube page.
♣ Also out with a new ad, this one against Chip Cravaack in the eighth district, is House Majority PAC:
You can find more on their YouTube page.
♣ And another anti-Cravaack spot, this one from the DCCC:
You can find more on their YouTube page.
♣ And since I’m posting videos, here’s the new MNUnited video with Jesse and Terry Ventura.
You can find more on their YouTube page.
♣ One last one, this on the Photo Voter ID amendment and put out by Our Vote Our Future that does an effective job of going through all of the points in under four minutes:
You can find more on their YouTube page.
♣ Offered without comment, because really, there’s nothing you can say to this kind of crazy.
♣ The DFL has filed a suit to have Kerry Gauthier’s name removed from the ballot in this falls election for house district 7B and replaced with the name of the now DFL endorsed candidate Erik Simonson.
If this happens, and the odds seem long, this race essentially goes back to being a safe DFL seat. If it doesn’t go through, as seems likely, then the clusterfuck in Duluth continues.
♣ Not Minnesota news, but big news nonetheless. A state court judge has thrown out the odious anti-collective bargaining law signed by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker that kicked off protests and recalls.
The state of Wisconsin will, of course, appeal.
♣ If you have a phone that is of above-average intelligence and made by a certain company in California, you can enjoy the awesomeness of the SuperPAC App.
If you have a phone that is of above-average intelligence and not made by a certain company in California, you cannot enjoy the awesomeness of the SuperPAC App.
If you have a phone that is of below-average intelligence than this doesn’t apply to you.
(h/t Beth Hawkins)
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