Enbridge truly is a bunch of despicable greedheads
This is pending appeal, so it isn’t a done deal, yet. But it seems to be headed that way.
Minnesota counties that host Enbridge’s oil pipelines say they are again looking at a budget-busting debacle after two recent tax court rulings in favor of the Canadian company.
Enbridge’s appeals of its state tax valuations have been bouncing through Minnesota courts for years. The Minnesota Tax Court’s latest opinions are the most financially damaging yet to the 13 counties.
“This is the worst-case scenario — it is the tsunami,” said Matt Hilgart, government relations director for the Association of Minnesota Counties.
For two small counties, Red Lake and Clearwater, refunds due to Enbridge could eclipse their annual tax levies. For larger counties, refunds — “in the best-case scenario” — could still lead to tax increases, service cuts or depleted reserves, Hilgart said.
Local governments and school districts would be hurt, too, since they receive portions of tax collections from counties.
(Star Tribune)
This includes a table of Enbridge’s net income over the years, including $US2.227B in 2020 and $4.011B in 2019. You can see how they just gotta keep on gouging, every way they can, to scrimp by. “Good corporate citizenship” at its finest!
I’ve seen a few “Minnesotans for Line 3” signs at the ends of country driveways, in the dark red exurban/rural area where I reside. I’ve briefly wondered what induces people to do that, but hadn’t troubled to try to find out until now. Apparently they’ve been taken in by pretty standard astroturfing tactics.
Minnesotans for Line 3, a group established (in 2018) to advocate for an Enbridge oil pipeline project, presents itself as a grassroots organization consisting of “thousands of members.”
But a DeSmog investigation has found that behind the scenes, the Calgary-based energy giant is pulling the strings. Enbridge has provided the group with funding, public relations, and a variety of advocacy tactics.
The investigation has also found that a public relations firm behind the operation recently tried to erase its ties to Enbridge.
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