A great Drinking Liberally program on May 17th

May 15, 2018

Michael Brodkorb, a longtime Republican activist and former RPM officer, now a commentator, and soon to be book author (I think that about covers it) will be our guest at Drinking Liberally this week. He’ll be joined on the stage by DL’s Aaron Klemz, and they’ll talk about the upcoming party conventions and the primaries […]

Read the latest Spotty ™ winner

May 12, 2018

A man from Eden Prairie is the newest Spotty ™ winner

Did you ever have to make up your mind?

March 25, 2018

We live in interesting times here in Edina, Dario, no?

Justice Page Middle School

Minnesota Senate District 62 Convention: Retirements, Credentials, Walkouts and Quorums

March 14, 2018

As you may have heard, the Minnesota Senate District 62 Convention, which took place on Saturday March 10th, had some – let’s say – difficulties. The results of these difficulties were that the A side of the district didn’t endorse a candidate for an open House seat, and for that matter, never even completed a […]

A rifle is a rifle, and a minnow and a shark are both fish

February 28, 2018

In a pre-session newser with legislative leaders and the governor, Sen. Majority Leader Paul Gazelka said, when asked about assault rifles, Well, a rifle is a rifle. I can’t find the link at the moment, mostly because the Strib search engine isn’t up to the task. (And Stribbers, I say that in the most loving […]

There are no Caesar’s wives

February 22, 2018

In the wake of the Florida school shooting last week, the subject of gun control has appropriately and perhaps finally, animated political discussions around the country, including in the Minnesota governor’s race. And maybe, just maybe, it’ll be young people – Millennials are now the biggest voter cohort – who will lead the way on […]

Eat your veggies; it’s good for the earth

February 19, 2018

How your diet affects the Earth, an article in the Sunday, January 14th, StarTrib describes the results of a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of the United States of America (PNAS) on December 19, 2017. In general, the environmental impact of one’s diet has not been considered when governments establish dietary […]

David Goldstein endorses Carolyn Jackson for House District 49A

February 16, 2018

Former Edina schoolboard member David Goldstein endorses Carolyn Jackson as DFL candidate to run against the incumbent Dario Anselmo, particularly for her knowledge about education issues. David Goldstein endorses Carolyn Jackson for House District 49A from LEFT MN on Vimeo.

Ron Way endorses Carolyn Jackson for Minnesota House District 49A

February 15, 2018

Edina resident Ron Way, a former official with both the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, endorses Carolyn Jackson for the DFL endorsement for House District 49A. Ron Way endorses Carolyn Jackson for House District 49A from LEFT MN on Vimeo. The campaigns that Ron refers to were the successful efforts […]

Bonus Election Preview

February 12, 2018

Bonus Elections in Minnesota today!

Reports from the hustings in 49A

January 29, 2018

There are, fundamentally, a couple of ways to run for office. One way is to demonstrate experience, a deep knowledge of policy, and a commitment to issues that voters find important. The other way is to run a popularity contest. Regrettably, the second way sometimes wins. I was beaten for the president of the fifth […]

Carol C. White wins the coveted Spotty ™

January 27, 2018

There is a new section in the Strib called Inspired. Last week, it featured a story about a local effort to ship books (new and used, fiction, non-fiction) to Africa. The group has done an impressive job; it won’t surprise you to know it’s called Books for Africa. There was something that nagged me a […]