Rebecca Otto and Matt Entenza

The Weekly Wrap 7-20

July 20, 2014

♣ There have been a number of developments in the race for the most glamorous political position in the entire state of Minnesota, I’m talking of course about the State Auditor’s race. We’ll start with this ad from challenger Matt Entenza: This ad pretty well encapsulates Entenza’s pitch, which is; “I’m progressive, I’ll be an activist […]

Gaza: The Final Solution

July 19, 2014

The next installment

Scott and Karin, turn up your hearing aids

July 18, 2014

My older readers — which means most of you, I suppose — can remember when Bob Dole, running against Bill Clinton in 1996, said, in a debate, I think, “Let me be your bridge to the past.” I knew at that instant that Bob Dole would never be the president of the good ‘ol YOU ESS AAAY. It […]

Every word screams: CRACKPOT!

July 17, 2014

From the Hall of Bad Republican Endorsements

Sometimes, you don’t even have to say anything

July 16, 2014

The refutation of Doug Tice is nearly automatic

Rep. Phyllis Kahn and challenger Mohamud Noor

The Weekly Wrap 7-13

July 13, 2014

♣ Since The Wrap™ didn’t publish last week, there were stories that blossomed and subsequently withered on the vine in the two weeks since the last edition of The Wrap™. One of those stories was this: Absentee voting started Friday, six weeks ahead of primary elections. Already there are strong allegations of voter fraud. The […]

When the going gets tough

July 11, 2014

The senior mining companies take a powder

The immutable Ron Erhardt

July 9, 2014

I have known Ron Erhardt for a long time. I have fought with him, voted for him, voted against him, traded stories with him, stood at the back of the room and made fun of other politicians (and some of you perhaps know who I mean) with him, and admired what a completely steadfast and […]

Waiting for Dario, question 8

July 8, 2014

What to do about freeloaders

Waiting for Dario

July 7, 2014

We want to ask him some questions

Vote where you really live, my friends

July 6, 2014

A lot of invective has been directed at the Rep. Phyllis Kahn campaign, and its attorney, Brian Rice, especially, over a petition filed with election authorities in the City of Minneapolis over some 140 voter registrations that list 419 Cedar Avenue South as the voter’s residence address, when they obviously don’t live there. I’ve written […]

A veteran, a retired patrolman, a decent man speaks his heart

July 2, 2014

An Iraq war veteran, 2 tours, shares his thoughts on the country he was willing to die to defend