Marshall Helmberger on Minnesota’s dystopian future

November 20, 2015

Marshall Helmberger is — bar none — the best editorialist on the Range. Marshall is the publisher of the Timberjay newspapers. He is the best example of a courageous small-town newspaperman that I know of. In a piece that was published on November 18th, Helmberger writes: [O]fficials from the Bureau of Land Management received a crash course in two […]


On comments – you’re a NIMBY edition

September 13, 2013

Here’s commenter Michael, in a comment on my recent inventory of sulfide mining stories, Sulfide mining stories reprise. If MN is such a bad place for PolyMet & Twin Metal[s] to mine nickel & copper where is a good or the best place to mine for nickel & copper? Steve replies: It seems that the […]

Sulfide mining stories reprise

September 12, 2013

Stories here at LeftMN

The forces of grievance and resentment weigh in

September 1, 2013

I’ll have a double Brimstone, neat


Comment to “Trouble in the Grotto”

August 7, 2013

Flambeau, Schmambeau

How would you like this guy gurgling through your campsite?

July 22, 2013

The babbling brooks of Spruce Road

Colonizing Ely

July 19, 2013

Well, and Hoyt Lakes, too

Mommy, what’s that noise I hear in the ground?

July 16, 2013

It’s just mining explosions, dear, go back to sleep

What lies – not very far – beneath

July 12, 2013

Discussions about the proposed new sulfide mines in northern Minnesota always talk about an open pit mine at Hoyt Lakes and and an “underground” mine near Ely. But the “underground” appellation isn’t accurate, or not entirely so, anyway. And when he gets out of Dodge to talk about it, Duluth Metals president Vern Baker (hometown […]