
Is southwest Minnesota among the most polluted places on Earth?

June 19, 2023

You bet it is


We should not be using corn for jet fuel

June 12, 2023

Potentially piling on to an environmental disaster


“Carbon capture” boondoggle in Minnesota, bit by bit

December 9, 2022

It works. Expensively. On a tiny scale.


Growing voices of righteousness vs. ethanol

March 2, 2022

I have to note right off the bat that the terms “growing” and “righteousness” in the title of this are open to a measure of debate. For example, not all anti-ethanol voices have been righteously motivated. Ever since the mandate’s inception, farm-state senators in particular have pushed to increase it, and oil-state senators have tried […]


Now it’s flagrantly time to get rid of corn ethanol as fuel

August 23, 2021

Despite the drought, most of the corn and soybeans around here look pretty good. (“Around here” means the parts of Mille Lacs, Isanti, Sherburne, and Benton counties that I drive across now and then.) That’s because the larger farms around here mostly have irrigation systems. (It’s different with the small operations.) Which brings us to […]


Trump has screwed farmers in Minnesota, and elsewhere, big time

August 24, 2020

You probably saw, not long ago, that corn farmers are going to lose money, again, despite great yields. That was before the mega-windstorm hit Iowa, and wiped out some of that state’s projected crop. You’d think that would have made a difference, because, supply and demand, right? Actually, futures didn’t move much. The “supply” part […]