The incomplete evolution of Lee Schafer

February 1, 2020

Strolling down PolyMet Avenue with Lee

Banking on the gullibility of voters

July 26, 2018

Senator Tina Smith has been busy backing and filling on her first legislative initiative, the odious “Smith Amendment” attached to the National Defense Authorization Act that would have lept over the courts and the pesky litigants suing PolyMet and the Forest Service over a proposed land swap. I suspect that Sen. Smith knew the deal […]

Stop PolyMet! – the rally

October 20, 2015

There was a sizable rally last week in St. Paul to deliver a simple message to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: Stop PolyMet’s sulfide mine. It started on what is known as Railroad Island with music and speakers and then the attendees marched to the DNR Headquarters. The event was headlined by activist and […]

Glencore: corporate citizen – a reprise

August 6, 2015

The sound you hear is scales falling


On comments – you’re a NIMBY edition

September 13, 2013

Here’s commenter Michael, in a comment on my recent inventory of sulfide mining stories, Sulfide mining stories reprise. If MN is such a bad place for PolyMet & Twin Metal[s] to mine nickel & copper where is a good or the best place to mine for nickel & copper? Steve replies: It seems that the […]

Sulfide mining stories reprise

September 12, 2013

Stories here at LeftMN

Glencore: corporate citizen

July 29, 2013

The sound you hear is scales falling

The Commish mines him some bulls**t

July 26, 2013

Along with the sulfides