Banking on the gullibility of voters

July 26, 2018

Senator Tina Smith has been busy backing and filling on her first legislative initiative, the odious “Smith Amendment” attached to the National Defense Authorization Act that would have lept over the courts and the pesky litigants suing PolyMet and the Forest Service over a proposed land swap. I suspect that Sen. Smith knew the deal […]

Rebecca Otto speaks about mining policy at Drinking Liberally

May 11, 2017

State Auditor Rebecca Otto was the guest at Drinking Liberally on April 6th. She spoke about her run for governor next year, but she also spoke about her tenure as the state auditor and rejecting some non-ferrous mining leases as a member of the Executive Council of the state. Here’s a brief clip of her […]

Here a VAT, etc., part two

October 2, 2016

Now with an update at the foot of the story. (10/3) And a second update. (10/4) In an earlier story, I wrote about value added taxes everywhere but the US, and how they can disadvantage US business. There is much more to this story, of course. One of the first thing we must realize is what […]

Let the sun shine in

September 8, 2016

There have been multiple calls recently for some sunshine on the PolyMet permitting process before the Department of Natural Resources. Sunshine would take the form of appointing an administrative law judge from the Office of Administrative Hearings who would hold hearings on the permit to mine. A record would be made — a public record — and […]

If people don’t want to come out to the ballpark

January 11, 2016

How are you going to stop them?

Comment on the PolyMet FEIS

December 10, 2015

Do it now

Marshall Helmberger on Minnesota’s dystopian future

November 20, 2015

Marshall Helmberger is — bar none — the best editorialist on the Range. Marshall is the publisher of the Timberjay newspapers. He is the best example of a courageous small-town newspaperman that I know of. In a piece that was published on November 18th, Helmberger writes: [O]fficials from the Bureau of Land Management received a crash course in two […]

A serious talk about sulfide mining

November 18, 2015

It’s time for a serious talk among environmentalists about sulfide mining in Minnesota. A serious and uncomfortable talk. As readers here know, the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) on the proposed PolyMet open-pit copper was issued on Friday (of course), November 13th. The public has 30 days from that date to comment on the FEIS. […]

The ne’er-do-well brother-in-law

November 14, 2015

The one who keeps moving back in when he hits his latest rough patch

We have good news and bad news

November 6, 2015

Never operated a mine; never earned a dime

How do you drown-proof a mine? Part 3

November 5, 2015

The denouement – and a prediction comes true

Brad Moore: We are not a shell! a reprise

October 31, 2015

The PolyMet exec delivers the valedictory remarks