We don’t need no stinkin’ plans!

April 13, 2020

Plans are for sissies

Historic Fort Snelling at Bdote

April 26, 2019

As many of you know, Senator Mary Kiffmeyer wants to lop $4 million dollars off the budget of the Minnesota Historical Society because the new sign at the Visitors’ Center at Fort Snelling reads: Historic Fort Snelling at Bdote. Bdote is the Dakota word for the “spur of land at the confluence of the Mississippi […]

Jay and his turbine

The Weekly Wrap 5-30

May 30, 2014

The Wrap™ is going up early this week, because this weekend will be devoted to Minnesota political convention coverage. Some Convention Coverage Options LeftMN, in the form of the present author, will be at the DFL convention in Duluth, live blogging it up. The UpTake will be providing audio/video coverage of both conventions, so you […]

Republicans haul out the Nuclear Talking Point

March 14, 2013

Civil rights cost money

Mark Ritchie

Ritchie 2 for 2 against Republican Senators

November 2, 2012

Republican attempts to muzzle Secretary of State Mark Ritchie were dealt a second blow Thursday when an administrative law judge in the Office of Adminstrative Hearings (OAH) dismissed a complaint filed by Senators Mark Newman and Mike Parry. The complaint alleged that Ritchie had lied about the photo voter ID amendment, used his office for […]

Transit of Venus

The Weekly Wrap 6-10

June 10, 2012

Retirements, deadlines, polls and amendment challenges