No, YOU’RE going to hell!
Catching a little of the Senate Education Policy Committee’s hearing today on the anti-bullying bill, especially Sen. Carla Nelson’s substitute of a bill that even the Mormons seem to like, and Sen. Roger Chamberlain’s worry about the suppression of religious expression among middle schoolers, I was put in mind of a bill proposed last year by a member of the Other Body (I have always loved that term, wherever applied), Rep. Steve Drazkowski. (Diagram that sucker; I dare you.)
The Draz, who is the Lege’s leading example of why brevity, at least in statute writing, is not always the soul of wit, dropped by the spacious LeftMN studio last spring and recorded a PSA for the bill.
The DRAZ on bullying! from LEFT MN on Vimeo.
Reports are that the bill passed out of the committee on a party line vote.
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.