Oh those French – sarcastique
The United States and its constitution of freedom may be the brunt of French wit. Doubt that? Dedicated in 1886 the nation had hardly laid aside its racism. It lives yet today with Ferguson being the concrete example. “Give me your poor…”, engraved in stone in memorials all over the place. Big words, small actions. Face it, we hardly have any real intent of being so magnanimous as the inscription suggests. Consider it in terms of walls and razor wire on the border. Language of compelling sentiment on the Statue of Liberty. Yet we fail to act on immigration. French as a language remains a mainstay of scientific thought. They’re smart and they’re witty. They gave us the double entendre.
… and they gave us the Statue of Liberty which just may be that, a double entendre.
Great constitution alright, but actions that provoke the sentiment below.
“l’audace , de l’audace et encore plus d’audace”
Perhaps the Statue of Liberty may be a snide French joke about America not walking its talk. We’re hardly as exceptional as we delude ourselves to be and the French apparently knew it long before we did.
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