A Jason Lewis Shanty
A bluff, robust character like Jason Lewis deserves his own sea shanty, don’t you think?
Sea shantys were work songs for sailors with the verse belted out by the shantyman and the crew singing the refrain. Subject to often bawdy elaboration by the shantyman — and the crew — they were a way to coordinate hauling lines and let off a little steam.
– o O o –
Oh, it’s Jason Lewis to the task, me boys!
Let’s hear it for the old salt’s heart!
He’ll never, never veer t’larboard, me boys!
He’s solid as a bean pot’s fart!
He’s solid as a bean pot’s fart!
He’ll always, always hew t’starboard, me boys!
Let’s hear it for the old salt’s head!
He’ll bark his freedom in the wind, me boys!
Even if it means we’ll all be dead!
Even if it means we’ll all be dead!
He’ll never, never listen to the facts, me boys!
Let’s hear it for the old salt’s gut!
Like the door to old Tut’s tomb, me boys!
His mind’s completely shut!
His mind’s completely shut!
He’s got old Donnie’s back, me boys!
Let’s hear it for the old salt’s back!
He’ll never, never fail that fool, me boys!
Even when he ought to tack!
Even when he ought to tack!
Jason Lewis is a wing nut’s nut, me boys!
Let’s hear it for the old salt’s nuts!
He’ll always, always bray that he’s right, me boys!
Even tho’ it’s just the flux!
Even tho’ it’s just the flux!
Oh, it’s Jason Lewis to the task, me boys!
Let’s drink to the old salt’s heart!
He’ll never, never veer to t’larboard, me boys!
He’s solid as a bean pot’s fart!
He’s solid as a bean pot’s fart!
He’s solid as a bean pot’s fart . . .
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.