The Trump vs. corporate media “feud” is a sham
One thing – indeed, about the only thing – about Trump’s election that I thought I’d get maybe a touch of perverse pleasure from was seeing him go after corporate “news” media. That was before I thought it through.
What’s really going on is that the same right-wing billionaires who largely have their way with corporate media are the ones who paid for Trump to defile the White House again. (C. media’s constant use of false equivalence aka both-sidesism is more effective than open right-wing partisanship would be.) Does it make any sense at all that there’s some kind of enmity here? Have you seen how readily the outlets being sued by Trump are folding, even though they’d probably win in the end? It sure looks like a put-on to me.
Here’s just a sample of who controls our major newsrooms right now. The five biggest newspaper chains in America are owned by a hedge fund, a private equity fund, another hedge fund, a billionaire family, and another billionaire family. Among major television news networks, owners include the Murdoch family, Disney, Comcast, Paramount, and Warner Brothers Discovery.
(Mother Jones)
Going after Ann Selzer is real – the puerile vindictiveness of an ultra-spoiled toddler. Hopefully Trump’s suit will be thrown out with prejudice. Even if he is ordered to pay Selzer’s costs Trump likely won’t, because he’s such a petty, pathetic dick-head. But such an outcome will have important value in any case.
I’m not suggesting some explicit “conspiracy” among very rich, very repugnant people. It worked out this way without needing anything like that. The Herman/Chomsky propaganda model has been a real thing for a long time now. Arguably for as long as there’s been a corporate media in this country.
Comment from Joe Musich: lardollini purports being a victim so often you would think the general public would have caught on by now. It is hard to believe that the world is now being reorganized around his whims. Good to see military children of US military parents protesting in Germany yesterday. That reaction is a new one. In the end his Mac and Dons burger smoothie may have gag inducing chunks for “fearless bleeder!”
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