A shameless pitch for Drinking Liberally on February 6th
On the evening of Thursday, February 6th, Aaron Klemz and Steve Timmer (me) will be the speakers at Drinking Liberally in Minneapolis to talk about the LeftMN eBook, Fourteen Years of Bullshit. Here’s a description of the book:
PolyMet: Fourteen Years of Bullshit is the story of ineptitude, inattention, and outright corruption by Minnesota and federal regulators in consideration of permits for copper sulfide mining near Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota for PolyMet Mining, a Canadian penny-stock company and its shadowy bad-boy backer, Glencore Plc. It is also the story of the failure of Minnesota’s political leadership to intervene, or even to express much interest in what was going on, despite many signs that the regulators were poised to issue improvident permits, which they did. These permits are currently in litigation in Minnesota and federal courts.
The eBook is free, and here’s how to get it.
That’s Thursday, the 6th of February, at the 331 Club in Minneapolis. meeting from six to nine PM. The presentation will begin at seven. Bring your questions and your friends.
Thanks for your feedback. If we like what you have to say, it may appear in a future post of reader reactions.