
October 8, 2018

A story about the story

Deconstructing Doug Wardlow, part three

October 1, 2018

The advocate

Deconstructing Doug Wardlow, part two

September 24, 2018

The theocrat

Fronting for the ghouls

September 22, 2018

Doug Wardlow and Ghoulist Glenn Gruenhagen from Glencoe, that is

Deconstructing Doug Wardlow

September 18, 2018

Marching to the beat of a long-dead drummer

Yes, Brian, you pompous twit, you have it straight

September 8, 2018

A letter in the Strib today: U.S. Sen. Cory Booker threatened to release U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s e-mails in violation of Senate rules and stated that he would willingly face the consequences. Sen. John Cornyn read the Senate rule that says, “Any senator, officer or employee of the Senate who shall disclose the […]

A Noogie for Dougie

August 30, 2018

Please see the update below. We must begin by noting that Doug Wardlow, the default candidate of the Republicans for attorney general in Minnesota, holds himself out as a great 1st Amendment lawyer. Yes, and as I have often observed, I am Louis the Sun King. We’ve had a chance to see the great 1st […]

Asia Argento killed #IBelieveWomen

August 23, 2018

Or at least the notion that women must always be believed without the examination of the circumstances. “Belief in women is my default position.” “Women are ‘entitled’ to be believed.” Those are just a couple of responses to Twitter comments of mine questioning the timing of the story and the credibility of the accuser against […]

The crème de la crème

August 20, 2018

A wing nut’s wing nut – Doug Wardlow

I Wish I Didn’t Have to Vote for Richard Painter—But I Do

August 11, 2018

An endorsement of Richard Painter by Professor Mark Osler

The longest, saddest, most defensive endorsement ever

August 10, 2018

The long and whiney road . . .

The anatomy of a smear

August 5, 2018

If a person — such as myself — posts information favorable to Senate candidate Richard Painter — or @RWPUSA,  as he is known on Twitter to his 500,000 followers, for example — it won’t be long before this is thrown at you, often with a bilious and puerile demand for an apology. You can check my own Twitter threads at […]