When a mining company shuffles off its mortal coil

January 21, 2016

Who is left behind to mourn?

If people don’t want to come out to the ballpark

January 11, 2016

How are you going to stop them?

Twinkies for Ammon

January 7, 2016

Apparently, they really need toilet paper, too. And please read about the gun-wielding outpatients.

Ron Way wins a Spotty ™

December 19, 2015

Ron Way has had several interesting op-eds in the Strib recently, including one on the negative effects of dams on river and riparian life, one on the democratic-socialist mixed economy that we already live in, and one recently on the suspension of the medical device tax contained in the latest budget bill out of Congress. Each […]

What color is your hat?

December 12, 2015

You only get to wear one color

Comment on the PolyMet FEIS

December 10, 2015

Do it now

White supremacist domestic terrorism or self defense?

November 25, 2015

The events of Monday night, the 23rd of November, at the Minneapolis Fourth Precinct headquarters were shocking and horrific. Five protesters are shot, blared social media almost instantly, followed by claims and statements of leaders of the protests that it was an act of domestic terrorism. Even the next morning, criticism was leveled at the […]

The long arm of the law

November 23, 2015

The warrant application for a search of Dede Evavold’s home in the case against Sandra Grazzini-Rucki for spiriting off her two daughters and hiding them from their father for over two years is a revelation. You can read it here. I have suggested before that Michael Brodkorb’s interview with Dale Nathan, published on August 20, […]

Marshall Helmberger on Minnesota’s dystopian future

November 20, 2015

Marshall Helmberger is — bar none — the best editorialist on the Range. Marshall is the publisher of the Timberjay newspapers. He is the best example of a courageous small-town newspaperman that I know of. In a piece that was published on November 18th, Helmberger writes: [O]fficials from the Bureau of Land Management received a crash course in two […]

A serious talk about sulfide mining

November 18, 2015

It’s time for a serious talk among environmentalists about sulfide mining in Minnesota. A serious and uncomfortable talk. As readers here know, the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) on the proposed PolyMet open-pit copper was issued on Friday (of course), November 13th. The public has 30 days from that date to comment on the FEIS. […]

Dede Evavold? Never heard of her

November 18, 2015

The sound you hear is the cock crowing

You’re right, Kurt, let ’em drown

November 17, 2015

Tuesday evening  addition – 11/17: Sen. Minority Leader David Hann pipes in: “This is not a discussion about permanently closing our borders, or even permanently rejecting Syrian refugees,” Hann said in a written statement. “But right now, we are lacking the intelligence necessary to implement security screenings intensive enough to guarantee our safety.” If we […]