What’s in a name?

June 25, 2015

When Lake Calhoun was being renamed

America’s Midden Class – No Malapropism

June 22, 2015

America’s middle class properly named the midden class.

Aaron Brown is at the end of his rope

June 20, 2015

Aaron Brown, the Range Raconteur, has been required reading for anybody who is interested in an insider’s view of the Iron Range, one that differs from the fried tripe you get from, say, Bill Hanna. Reading Aaron’s reactions to the increasingly grisly political news emanating from the Iron Range has been especially interesting. His discomfort […]

Sex, Lies and Leadership

June 19, 2015

What we learned from the Minnesota Sex Offender Program and sex abuse cover-up in the Catholic Church


On comments: Welcome, David Schultz

June 19, 2015

A few days ago, Hamline professor David Schultz published his first commentary here: Whatever happened to the liberal Democrats? You should read it if you haven’t. Read it again if you have. There were comments to David’s piece, uniformly positive, and remarking how he would spiff the place up. I got emails from readers, too, to […]

Right Wing thinking explained with Art

June 18, 2015

The mobius thinking of the right wing in pictures

Governance in the Dismal Swamp

June 17, 2015

In recent months, controversy has swirled around the Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board (the “IRRRB”) and the people who populate and control it: Iron Range legislators. There was another story by investigative reporter Jennifer Bjorhus in the Star Tribune on Sunday, June 14th – another eyebrow raiser – involving IRRRB loans to a Mountain […]


2015 Minnesota hPVI

June 15, 2015

The forth of edition of Minnesota’s most beloved Legislative district metric

Whatever happened to the liberal Democrats?

June 13, 2015

The first LeftMN commentary by Professor David Schultz

The Separation of Powers

June 10, 2015

Is on everyone’s lips

Fahrenheit 451 revisited

June 6, 2015

Someone sent me this video and asked my reaction. It’s a promotional video made by Corning that purports to show what our future will be like. If our future is a complete dystopian nightmare, that is. Even the title is chilling to me. The video takes us through a day, dawn to dusk, of a prototypical […]

The trouble with family courts

June 3, 2015

Have you ever had someone come and ask your opinion about something, or to help him or her solve a problem, and then when you do, he or she turns on you and claims you’re wrong, and it’s all your fault? Mediating a tiff between your kids is a particularly good way to wind up in this situation; sometimes they […]