Don’t sound the herald trumpets

February 15, 2015

[Time: the present; Place: the governor’s office] An aide: Governor, Ambassadors Pappas, Torres Ray, and Goodwin from the Emir of Northern Minnesota are here to see you. Show them in. Don’t sound the herald trumpets, though. Aide: As you wish. [the three ambassadors enter, nervously, and stand before the governor] Do you bring greetings from the […]

Dear Tom, I burned the bridge

February 13, 2015

Or maybe you did

LeftMN Radio Hour 2-9-15

February 10, 2015

With guest MIchael Brodkorb

Rangers ride the Bomb

February 3, 2015

When Rangers play investment bankers

A conversation before drifting off

February 2, 2015

A little political pillow talk

Mining fun with numbers!

January 31, 2015

With an update on 2 – 1

Miscellany – Uncle Billy gets a gig (1/30)

January 30, 2015

A perusal of the new roster of the staff of the houses of the legislature is always interesting, especially after a change in control from one party to another. And that’s true of the House staff roster this year, too. One of the names that popped right out at me was Bill Glahn, everyone’s favorite […]

Taking all the fun out of it

January 29, 2015

For Minnesota Majority’s Dan McGrath

Miscellany: Lifehacks with bread bags (1/26)

January 26, 2015

Ace teevee reporter Pat Kessler explains how it was really done: So did our family of 13 kids in Minnesota: we wore bread bags over our feet inside winter boots to keep dry and warm. — Patrick Kessler (@PatKessler) January 26, 2015 Only a complete nimrod would put bags on the outside of shoes because they […]


On comments

January 26, 2015

Dear rural friends: it’s not our fault

Dear rural friends: it’s not our fault

January 25, 2015

The politics of grievance and resentment

Miscellany: Tomassoni edition (1-24)

January 24, 2015

He’s Exhibit A in the Range DFL’s sense of government entitlement