Stop PolyMet! – the rally

October 20, 2015

There was a sizable rally last week in St. Paul to deliver a simple message to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: Stop PolyMet’s sulfide mine. It started on what is known as Railroad Island with music and speakers and then the attendees marched to the DNR Headquarters. The event was headlined by activist and […]

Who will keep PolyMet’s grave clean? – a reprise

August 12, 2015

Because it sure won’t be PolyMet

Who knew, Klobuchar, Franken and Nolan support Polymet mining

March 19, 2014

The idea was conservation by preservation

Dr. Pangloss goes to work for PolyMet

March 14, 2014

And he’s been lecturing the media

If only PolyMet knew now what it knew then

February 4, 2014

One of the very best ways, my friends, to evaluate what someone says is to see what s/he said before. We’ll get into that in a moment, but first a brief reprise of things written here previously. I have written before, on a couple of occasions, about PolyMet’s hopes and dreams for the flow of […]

Lee Schafer looks at PolyMet

December 9, 2013

Notices a hole, and it isn’t the mine

Who will keep PolyMet’s grave clean?

October 5, 2013

Because it sure won’t be PolyMet

LTV Steel

PolyMet hires new CEO, plot thickens

June 22, 2012

Could Cherry be Rio Tinto’s advance man?

Death to the Talon mine!

May 21, 2024

An easy, painless demise would be fine with me

It’s time to revive the Pollution Control Agency’s Citizen’s Board

February 12, 2024

A citizens board might have saved us a lot of trouble in environmental matters

20.6M too many dollars for the Musk mine

September 30, 2023

Should be a big fat zero

Karl Procaccini is a great choice for the Supreme Court

August 23, 2023

I like and respect Karl Procaccini