On the court rejecting a mining company permit

December 10, 2019

Now with a 12/11 update . . .


November 30, 2019

PolyMet – 14 Years Of Bullshit

Shannon Lotthammer: We don’t know where all that mercury is coming from

October 27, 2019

It’s a puzzle that the TMDL study would have answered, which is why it was scotched

Keep up the good work, people

October 6, 2019

I shudder to think where we’d be without you

How do you drown-proof a mine? Part 3, a reprise

September 21, 2019

The denouement – and a prediction comes true

How do you drown-proof a mine? Part 2, a reprise

September 21, 2019

It’s still the question on everyone’s lips

How do you drown-proof a mine? A reprise

September 21, 2019

It’s the question on everyone’s lips

Follow the money

September 19, 2019

The rep from mining

Never mind Denmark, there’s something rotten in Minnesota

September 16, 2019

Revelation after revelation

Fourteen years of bullshit

August 25, 2019

In an opinion piece in the Strib, Nancy McReady, president of Conservationists with Common Sense (a “charity” whose last 990 reported on Guidestar is from 1998, even though it participates in the GiveMN program) says that there have been fourteen years of transparency in the permitting of the PolyMet pit mine. Governor Walz hummed a […]

Environmentalist Bob Tammen wins a Spotty ™

August 24, 2019

For this letter in the Star Tribune on Thursday, August 22nd, Bob Tammen wins the coveted Spotty™. As a miner, I know this won’t work The Star Tribune’s Aug. 19 opinion page had an interesting juxtaposition: a counterpoint by Nancy McCready promoting PolyMet (“Transparency, PolyMet foes demand. If only they’d noticed 14 years of it”) […]

Environmental justice in sulfide mining

August 16, 2019

A letter to the governor