Strolling through the garden of logical fallacies – II

April 18, 2022

An apocalypse in four words


Biden takes a little first step for public schools

April 16, 2022

A lot better than nothing

Strolling through the garden of logical fallacies – I

April 12, 2022

Looking at assertions in a Minnesota Reformer Counterpoint

The Page Amendment is a Trojan horse, cont., part two

April 6, 2022

A dog’s breakfast

The Page Amendment is a Trojan horse, cont.

April 1, 2022

The Page Amendment adds nothing to the Minnesota Constitution, but it takes something very important away


MN lege: What’s the real deal with the Party of Trump insanity?

March 23, 2022

From earlier this month: A Minnesota program that protects the addresses of victims of intimate partner violence and others with high safety needs has become the latest target in the Republican drumbeat over voter fraud, stalling a proposal at the Capitol that proponents say is needed to ensure the safety of participants. Changes related to […]

The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances

March 16, 2022

The US guaranteed the territorial integrity and soveignity of Ukraine in 1994 and reaffirmed it in 2009

oil well

What President Biden should really do about gas prices

March 9, 2022

Over the years I’ve seen estimates that oil speculators drive up prices by anything from 15 to 25 percent during spikes. (Even the ultra-conservative, market fundamentalist Fed acknowledges that they’re a real factor.) Here’s why they do that. Traders with connections to the oil companies can also make big bets on the opaque crude oil […]


Growing voices of righteousness vs. ethanol

March 2, 2022

I have to note right off the bat that the terms “growing” and “righteousness” in the title of this are open to a measure of debate. For example, not all anti-ethanol voices have been righteously motivated. Ever since the mandate’s inception, farm-state senators in particular have pushed to increase it, and oil-state senators have tried […]


Twin Metals looks to be a goner

February 23, 2022

A gentleman does not “gloat,” but certainly I was pleased to see this (and I have plenty of company): About three weeks after President Joe Biden’s administration canceled two federal mineral leases near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources says it has stopped work on the state’s environmental review […]

Sylvia Schwartz wins a Spotty ™

February 20, 2022

Pointing our 1st Amendment muzzling in Minnesota law


Are the school deformers shifting their tactics?

February 14, 2022

I’m in full agreement with what’s in most of the article from which I’m quoting. “School choice” advocates often claim to promote “freedom” for parents to choose the form of education they see best for their children. But the strategy of “school choice” is to move public funding away from public schools into private hands. […]