How do you drown-proof a mine? Part 2

October 30, 2015

It’s still the question on everyone’s lips

Around a half a million traffic deaths since 9/11

October 30, 2015

America and the wrong ball(s) it is watching

UofM – once known for research, now a sport’s lawsuit magnet

October 29, 2015

Does the University exist to educate or train athletes and where is the emphasis day to day?

The numbers guys win a Spotty ™

October 29, 2015

Criticizing the Pride of the Business Press

How do you drown-proof a mine?

October 28, 2015

It’s the question on everyone’s lips

Flying home to face the music

October 27, 2015

See the update with remarks by law professor David Schultz below. By letter dated October 26th, Michelle MacDonald entered her appearance on behalf of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki in the criminal case in Dakota County against Grazzini-Rucki. In her letter of transmittal to Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom, MacDonald also requested to travel “port to port” with Grazzini-Rucki […]

Put your best mine forward

October 26, 2015

In order to help him figure out whether copper-nickel sulfide mining is the cat’s pajamas or the worst idea in the history of ideas, Governor Dayton is going to visit two mines: one chosen by the mining romantics, and one by the people who choose to plan more than six weeks into the future, the […]

“Leave no nest unshitted!”

October 24, 2015

Kurt Daudt, 2015

Inch by inch

October 23, 2015

The Grazzini-Rucki investigation proceeds

Lee Schafer: PolyMet tout

October 21, 2015

Please see the updates below — It has been an especially glum time for the mining industry in recent months. Taconite (spellchecker offers masonite) plants are shuttered across northern Minnesota, and to add insult to injury, a new one, Essar Steel “Minnesota” is set to commence operations next year, financed in part with some $72 million in […]

Stop PolyMet! – the rally

October 20, 2015

There was a sizable rally last week in St. Paul to deliver a simple message to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: Stop PolyMet’s sulfide mine. It started on what is known as Railroad Island with music and speakers and then the attendees marched to the DNR Headquarters. The event was headlined by activist and […]

Howdy Gowdy

October 19, 2015

See the update below — The latest bit of shenanigans in the opera buffa Benghazi! (Never Forget!) has been all over the news today; it hardly need elucidation from me. I just wanted to use that hed and the photo of Trey Gowdy, the apparently epically-inbred cracker-Congressman from South Carolina, who was appointed by John Boehner — […]