Puppet on a string – a reprise

August 14, 2015

I’m Your Puppet! sings PolyMet

Who will keep PolyMet’s grave clean? – a reprise

August 12, 2015

Because it sure won’t be PolyMet

No “we” in the GOP

August 10, 2015

GOP = first person singular possessive case

It’s like the Jerry Springer show, without Jerry

August 9, 2015

That was the most memorable line on Almanac last Friday evening, August 7th, uttered by Professor David Schultz, and describing the Fox News candidate debate the night before. It’s cracked me up every time I’ve muttered it under my breath for a couple of days now. Professor Schultz followed it up with a story on […]

Hiring more dingoes as babysitters – a reprise

August 7, 2015

When “catastrophe” is putting it charitably

Glencore: corporate citizen – a reprise

August 6, 2015

The sound you hear is scales falling

Another abandoned sulfide rock mine spill

August 6, 2015

But not to worry, all the aquatic life was already killed a long time ago

Consider the walleye

August 3, 2015

See the updates below. I swear to you that I never in my blogging life thought I’d write a story that had walleye in the title. But a whole industry has grown up around a fish that is, in general, a snore to catch, and it must be saved. But they taste so good, a […]

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

July 30, 2015

Not me, couldn’t be! The tourist industry refrain

Cecil and Palmer, a GOP allegory

July 29, 2015

We belong to the earth, the earth does not belong to us

Pastor Dewey Smith – Homosexuality

July 25, 2015

Smith understands what the Evangelicals have yet to come to comprehend

Hubris and blandishments

July 21, 2015

It hasn’t been much in the news around here, but in more sentient parts of the world, notice has been made of the fact that the United States’ monument to the Cold War — the Runit Dome, or the Tomb, to the locals — is leaking radiation after having built a mere 35 years ago. Swell. This is […]