Religious Liberty, already here, ask the Amish, Hutterites, and Mennonites

July 12, 2015

Asking for what we already have… a duplicitous pursuit indeed!

The arts, the home of progressive sentience, go Bernie!

July 11, 2015

Art, poetry, language… art does matter, it is the font of progressive sentience

Salaries are back in the news!

July 10, 2015

Please see the update below . . . During the one day window that was given to him, Mark Dayton raised the salaries of his commissioners. You will remember that he raised them this spring, pursuant to authority given him by the Legislature, and Speaker Kurt Daudt cried piteously at the outrage, and Majority Leader […]

Getting the Money Out of Politics: Two Essays

July 9, 2015

On July 8, I had two different essays published which address the role of money in politics.  One essay takes us along the history of how our campaign finance laws broke down, the other describes four fixes the president can take to act.  Here are reprints of both essays. “The Supreme Court, Public Opinion, and […]

There’s a reason the left cannot reason with the right

July 8, 2015

Left, right, we just can’t help our genetic selves

CNN takes the Clinton damage control bait

July 6, 2015

Why are the Clintons always in damage control?

Even Democrats use $ to get what they want

July 6, 2015

Another in the money gets what money wants series

Strib letter writer wins a Spotty!

July 5, 2015

Last Sunday, Katherine Kersen — after a layoff that obviously allowed her to build up a head of steam — had a commentary in the Strib decrying sustainability as a heretical plot. Well, a lot of Strib readers parked that hanging curveball in the seats. Today, the Strib published six (6) of them; not one supported the […]

Rx of Doctor Bernie Sanders

July 3, 2015

Will voters turn their back on PAC money and support a groundswell campaign?

Getting ready for the 4th of July, 1863

July 2, 2015

The heroism of the 1st Minnesota Volunteers

Aw, he was just snoring

June 30, 2015

Please see the update(s) below. Just before donning their flip flops and sunglasses and heading out the door for the summer, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court gave Sammy Alito — who frankly has been waiting in the wings a lot in the waning days of the session — his spot in the sunshine, […]

Hilton Hillary, a limousine liberal?

June 29, 2015

Why does Hillary make a lefty sympathize with Bernie’s askance expression?