Barbarians breach the gate at the MOA

December 23, 2014

We must have revenge!

Hit ’em where it hurts

December 21, 2014

It is reported in the Strib that the DFL thinks an ethics complaint ought to be filed in the Minnesota Senate against Julianne Ortman because of the offers of money by her campaign manager — one of which was accepted — to two other candidates, also seeking the endorsement for the U.S. Senate at the Republican […]

Scott Johnson’s book report

December 17, 2014

I was naturally excited to learn that Scott Johnson had also read Keith Ellison’s recent and charming memoir, My Country ‘Tis of Thee. Since the New York Review of Books, and even The Atlantic, rejected Scott’s review, he had to turn to his pal Doug Tice at the Strib to get it published. Which is, naturally, as […]

I know John Kline

December 16, 2014

Yes, I know John Kline. John Kline is a friend of mine, well, a fishing friend. That is, I usually see him at least a couple of times a year, on a trout stream, at a fishing exposition, or at a clinic where persons new to fly fishing come and learn the beginnings of the […]

Shorter Doug Tice

December 14, 2014

We are all unarmed black men now

Capitol steps

Who’s the Load, really?

December 12, 2014

Owing the truth an apology

In other words, Bob is full of doo-doo

December 10, 2014

Tim Pugmire has an article on the MPR News website about how the Republicans are going to kick some, well, fecal material, at the Capitol next session. With their muck boots, apparently. (We’re going with a scatalogical theme today.) One of the new House committees is called the Greater Minnesota Economic and Workforce Development Policy. […]

Lori’s $64,000 question

December 7, 2014

Will GOP find a way to repay voters in rural Minnesota?

Don’t listen to Doug

December 1, 2014

Doug Tice writes Sunday that we don’t have an immigration/border problem, we have a foreign policy problem. If you are seated, you may proceed to the next sentence. I think he’s right. But don’t worry, his prescriptions are wrong. Shorter Doug: We can never defend our long and porous southern border; we have to figure […]

Mourning opportunities lost IV

November 28, 2014

This series is turning into a regular thing. Even I’m getting tired of the graphic. There was a commentary in the Strib this morning (Friday, November 28th) about another failure that should be attributed to the DFL-controlled Legislature in 2013-14: stable and adequate transportation funding. It’s a commentary by Adam Platt, the executive editor of Twin […]

Mourning opportunities lost III

November 21, 2014

I. In the first two installments of the story (here and here), I discussed the systemic political failure of the DFL-controlled Legislature to pass electioneering and disclosure legislation. Another such failure was not passing the Quie judicial retention election plan and putting it on the ballot for voters. Presently, judges run for re-election, against an opponent, if […]

Mourning opportunities lost II

November 20, 2014

In the original Mourning opportunities lost, I described the failure of the DFL controlled Legislature to pass an “electioneering and disclosure” bill in 2013 or 2014, and the contribution of that failure to the loss of the House of Representatives to Republican control in the recent election. I said I had another lost opportunity to discuss, […]