The edifice you cannot see – the GOP Senate Bldg alternative

August 26, 2014

The Republican edifice is not visible to the naked eye

The Gated Communities – GOP and DFL in Minnesota

August 23, 2014

Gating and the small selection at hand

Trouble with you is the trouble with me

August 22, 2014

There are things we just can’t see

Splitting wood can parallel democracy

August 20, 2014

Getting more out of democracy takes some effort unless you’re willing to settle for less

The demise of the Industrial Revolution

August 19, 2014

Like an Irish wake, things are getting out of hand

Emerging NRA market – African Americans

August 14, 2014

Black Americans need guns

Trickle down, like heaven, requires delayed gratification

August 11, 2014

Making sense of the selling of nonsense

Forever is a really long time

August 11, 2014

It’s even longer than 500 years

Hiring more dingoes as babysitters

August 7, 2014

Many of you already know about the catastrophic — which seems almost too mild a word, under the circumstances — copper/nickel/gold tailings dam collapse in British Columbia. But if you haven’t, according to the Vancouver Observer, the Mount Polley mine’s tailings dam failed, and “dumped five million cubic metres of toxic waste near the Quesnel and Cariboo Rivers.” Oh, how […]

Gaza: The Final Solution IV

August 2, 2014

A bitter letter to President Obama

The welshers dominate the right

July 30, 2014

Someone who enjoyed the lunch doesn’t want to pay

Gaza: The Final Solution III

July 24, 2014

What’s up with the red cow, anyway?