Mourning opportunities lost

November 18, 2014

Blowing the Golden Age

Let’s show our schools some love

November 10, 2014

With the midterm elections behind us, along with a local school board election that saw a geometric rise in spending, it might seem an inopportune time to discuss education policy. Then again, outside the odd hyperbole and coded language of campaigns may be just the right time and place to step back for a clearer […]

For those of you II

November 9, 2014

I don’t like ranked choice voting. I suggested a couple of days ago that RCV, as it is known to its pals, might well have elected Dan Severson Secretary of State. I think there is an excellent chance it would have. On the heels of the election, the executive director of FairVote Minnesota issued a […]

For those of you

November 5, 2014

Who think statewide ranked-choice voting is such a really good idea

It’s beginning to look a lot like Thugmas!

October 25, 2014

Yeah, nice lil’ county ya got dere. Shame if sumptin’ happin ta it. So wacher moufs.

Agenda 21 meets Hester Pyrnne

September 22, 2014

There was a minor Twitter explosion on Sunday the 21st because Katherine Kersten had clawed her way onto the opinion pages of the Strib again. I say minor, because let’s be frank, not that many people took the time to read it. The thrust of the piece was that the Metropolitan Council is really just […]

ISOL – Taking a cue from Irwin Jacobs

September 18, 2014

Anticipate the demand, it’s the way of capitalism

Credit debt fiasco – give credit to Bill Janklow

September 17, 2014

“Pick a card, any card” said the prestidigitator – Another in the money gets what money wants series

Their way versus our way

September 16, 2014

“Jesus don’t like killin’ no matter what the reason for” – John Prine

Small government, unregulated America

September 12, 2014

Imagining the Republican America

Don’t forget the Battle of Blackbird’s Field

September 11, 2014

Don’t forget the Battle of Kosovo! That was 1389. The Serbs sure don’t. Remember Henry’s glorious victory at Agincourt! Shakespeare did in his play Henry V. Shakespeare imagines Henry’s remarks to the troops the night before the battle in the St. Crispin’s Day speech. One hundred and fifty years later, Shakespeare probably remembered it better than it […]


September 10, 2014

Its neglected origins