Michele Bachmann preaches

The Imprecatory Prayer Hour

May 30, 2013

The perfect post-Congress employment for Michele Bachmann

Minnesota State Capitol

Little things mean a lot

May 28, 2013

In campaign finance law, that is

American Crystal Sugar and the Minnesota Orchestra

May 24, 2013

Both are sad stations of the cross of labor crucifixion

Comparing apples and oranges

May 23, 2013

In the Minnesota Orchestra labor dispute

Roger Chamberlain reads a book

May 14, 2013

While plugging his ears and singing “la la la la”

Dave Senjem decides to face the freight train

May 13, 2013

Votes against marriage equality

Representative Peggy Scott

What’s this old world coming to?

May 13, 2013

The Ballad of Peggy Scott

Photos from the Capitol on the historic day of the House vote

May 10, 2013

On marriage equality, that is

Fritz Knaak

Fritz Knaak is often called a bigot

May 9, 2013

But he totally isn’t one!

Rich Man

The only time

May 8, 2013

A childhood friend who passed through the same parochial school system as me used to point out that in the New Testament there was only the one story of the Christ figure losing his temper. It was in the temple as I recall. And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all […]

Senate Finance Committee laughs at Warren Limmer’s threats

May 7, 2013

GOP Sen. Warren Limmer says those who vote for same-sex marriage bill will “pay a political price” in the next election. — tomscheck (@tomscheck) May 7, 2013 This morning the Senate Finance Committee passed the marriage equality bill, its last hurdle before going to the Senate floor. Here’s the hearing, courtesy of The Uptake. The […]

Fritz Knaak

Fritz Knaak makes an argument

May 7, 2013

A really silly argument, but an argument all the same