Safe schools for all

March 19, 2013

How the Draz’s nightmare is coming true

Patrick: the patron saint of moderate Republicans

March 18, 2013

You get it, right?

The OAH: it isn’t just for inter-party disputes

March 17, 2013

It’s for internecine war, too

Bill Glahn won’t share the road – reprise

March 15, 2013

And by the way, kids, get off his lawn

Republicans haul out the Nuclear Talking Point

March 14, 2013

Civil rights cost money

The Office of Administrative Hearings & the Campaign Finance Board

March 14, 2013

Adventures in administration

Teach, your children well, their father’s hell

March 13, 2013

And by age eleven, they can recite your catechism of fear and hate

Marriage Equality Rally

Marriage Equality hearings from the Capitol

March 13, 2013

Archived footage from Tuesday, March 12th

Katherine Kersten has lost all interest in Muslims!

March 11, 2013

It’s teh Gay, every day

MN GOP, stifled by new rules, offers 159 amendments

February 18, 2013

Last week, there was a nine hour floor debate in the Minnesota House of Representatives. Obviously, there’s a lot to talk about. Were they discussing the health exchange bill that needs to be completed by the end of March? A bonding bill to put Minnesotans back to work? The Governor’s tax plan? No, they were […]

A retirement recommendation for the Pope

February 14, 2013

Wins a Spotty ™

Joe Olson

Joe Olson: Your Argument is Invalid

February 5, 2013

On Monday February 4th Joe Olson, a Law Professor at Hamline University, offered a rebuttal to President Barack Obama’s address in North Minneapolis concerning gun violence. The elements that follow in quotes are transcriptions that I have made of the interview he gave to MPR after the President’s remarks. I did hear him being very […]