Kurt Bills approved this message

Daily Caller reporter: Hettler only provided “color commentary”

October 26, 2012

But it’s the only evidence he has

Richard Hettler

Meet Richard Hettler

October 25, 2012

the Daily Caller’s Klobuchar source

Pile of Cash

The Weekly Wrap 10-19

October 19, 2012

Lots going on this week; race ratings, fundraising, polls, ad buys, more polls, and possible campaign dirty tricks

Rick Nolan

The Weekly Wrap 10-12

October 12, 2012

A post that would more accurately be titled something like “The State of Play in Minnesota’s Eighth Congressional district”

Obama Klobuchar Franken

Minnesotans shrug off President Obama’s debate performance

October 10, 2012

And Amy Klobuchar expands her lead over Kurt Bills

Rick Nolan

The Weekly Wrap 10-5

October 5, 2012

This week we learn that Minnesota Public Radio is out of the polling game and sometimes what looks like triage is in fact not triage

Erik Simonson

The Weekly Wrap 9-30

September 30, 2012

It was a good week for Minnesota Democrats. The Minnesota Supreme Court let them switch candidates in Duluth, and some excellent poll numbers came out

Obama Klobuchar Franken

Obama ahead, Klobuchar cruising

September 14, 2012

The two Democrats running statewide in Minnesota this year, President Obama and Senator Klobuchar, are at or above 50% in both of the polls released this week

Michael Brodkorb is not impressed with Kurt Bills

Kurt Bills internal poll shows him losing big

September 10, 2012

Why do you release a poll showing you down by fourteen points?

Amy Klobuchar at Podium

The Weekly Wrap 8-12

August 12, 2012

The Minnesota Media can look forward to Amy Klobuchar getting national play in 2016

Paul Thissen

The rest of that SurveyUSA poll

July 24, 2012

Obama loses ground, A-Klo still crushes and Paul Thissen looks like the next Speaker of the House

Amy Klobuchar at the DFL Convention

First poll with Klobuchar against Bills is like every other MN Senate poll so far

June 9, 2012

PPP (6/8, no trend lines): Amy Klobuchar (D-inc) 55 Kurt Bills (R) 29 Undecided 16 (MoE: ±3.1%) PPP tested four different people against Amy Klobuchar and they all fared pretty much the same, A-Klo was between 56-55 and everyone they put up against her was between 29-27. Of all the people who they put up […]