William Beyer wins the coveted Spotty ™

June 23, 2019

For understanding the difference between natural and positive law

Don’t listen to Doug, part about, oh, 100 or so

October 29, 2017

It is always gratifying when Doug Tice gives Democrats advice. We appreciate it. However, he’s like the creepy old man who tells you to walk closer to the edge of the cliff so you can see better. “No thanks, Mister!” In the Sunday newspaper, Tice again selflessly shares in the Democratic angst. As he does sometimes, […]

This is why you can’t get a majority opinion out of the Supreme Court

November 6, 2016

In the Op Ex section of the Strib on today, rather than trying to write a single editorial about What the Hell is Going On, they gave everybody some ink in signed pieces. They called it What, us worry? It was pretty good, really. I can only imagine the editorial board meeting leading up to […]

Don’t listen to Doug, again

March 7, 2015

I haven’t written for a while; I hope to be better in coming days. I have some catching up to do. There is no better place to start than with an op-ed piece by Doug Tice that appeared in the Sunday, February 22nd edition of the Star Tribune. That’s a while ago, I know, but […]

Shorter Doug Tice

December 14, 2014

We are all unarmed black men now

Don’t listen to Doug

December 1, 2014

Doug Tice writes Sunday that we don’t have an immigration/border problem, we have a foreign policy problem. If you are seated, you may proceed to the next sentence. I think he’s right. But don’t worry, his prescriptions are wrong. Shorter Doug: We can never defend our long and porous southern border; we have to figure […]

Sometimes, you don’t even have to say anything

July 16, 2014

The refutation of Doug Tice is nearly automatic

In an apparent economy move

March 31, 2014

“I know, let’s get Doug!”

Don’t listen to Doug

June 4, 2013

Doug is to George as Tice is to Orwell