
Enbridge’s mega-con

January 3, 2022

Well, now. As Republican state officials insist that Canadian oil pipelines are necessary to lower energy costs for American consumers, the fossil fuel giant operating those pipelines is suddenly citing the climate crisis its products are creating as a rationale for raising those prices higher, according to new documents reviewed by the Daily Poster… Last […]


Your taxes will be feeding Enbridge’s insatiable greed

July 12, 2021

I wrote here, back in March, about how the repugnant greedheads at Enbridge were looking to gouge Minnesota counties. They got their way. The state of Minnesota will pay Canadian energy company Enbridge nearly $30 million to cover northern counties’ costs from a tax case settlement. The deal — a last-minute addition to the state […]


Enbridge is coming on strong, and so is the opposition

June 7, 2021

From last week: After a short spring break on mainline construction required by Minnesota regulators, however, Enbridge is now entering a new phase of construction — and a new phase of protests. As the company restarted construction this week, opponents of the project geared up for a wave of larger demonstrations aimed at slowing or […]


Enbridge truly is a bunch of despicable greedheads

March 26, 2021

This is pending appeal, so it isn’t a done deal, yet. But it seems to be headed that way. Minnesota counties that host Enbridge’s oil pipelines say they are again looking at a budget-busting debacle after two recent tax court rulings in favor of the Canadian company. Enbridge’s appeals of its state tax valuations have […]


Why not crush this Line 3 nonsense, once and for all?

November 18, 2020

The Minnesota Pollution “Control” Agency just rubber-stamped permitting for the proposed Enbridge Line 3 tar sands sludge pipeline. Here’s one righteously brutal response: Twelve out of 17 members of a group that advises the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on environmental justice issues have resigned in protest of the agency’s approval late last week of a […]


Contested case hearing another reason Enbridge should just give up

June 8, 2020

Good deal: On June 3, 2020 the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency announced it is granting a contested case hearing on the agency’s draft 401 water quality certification for Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement project. The contested case hearing, expected to be scheduled later this summer, will focus on Enbridge’s water crossing methods to ensure all impacted […]