Our Vote Our Future

Money raised in support of and opposition to the two constitutional amendments

June 21, 2012

The fundraising reports for all the groups raising and spending money for and against the two constitutional amendments were due on the 19th and the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board made them available yesterday morning. This post is a brief overview of what was in those reports. There were no fewer than eight groups […]

Conservatives dabbling in irony

June 15, 2012

Stabbed in the back by Baron von Redberry

Welcome to Minnesota

The huddled masses of Wisconsin

June 12, 2012

We’ll take your creative class, yearning to breathe free

Scott Dibble

New poll shows declines in support for both constitutional amendments

June 6, 2012

A new poll from Public Policy Polling has great news for opponents of both of the constitutional amendments that will be on the ballot this November. PPP (6/4, 1/22 in parenthesis): Should the Minnesota Constitution be amended to provide that only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as […]

Madame Flutter By turns in another stunning performance!

June 5, 2012

Katherine Kersten delivers another logical spitball

BREAKING: Minnesotans want to gay marry Obama

May 15, 2012

Sometimes polls don’t say what it seems like they say

Three Minnesota Constitutional Amendment Polls

February 9, 2012

The folks at SUSA asked about one constitutional amendment that’s already on the ballot and two that seem like they’re destined for that same fate. SurveyUSA (2/3, 11/8 in parenthesis, 5/25 in brackets): “An amendment to the Minnesota Constitution on the ballot defines marriage as between one man and one woman, will you vote…” For […]