Katherine Kersten: spokester for the overdogs

April 7, 2024

Raise up the underdogs? Heaven forfend

Stephen B. Young’s excellent adventure

August 1, 2021

Wherein Young doubts the existence of bias in the legal system

The newspaper landed with an extra-heavy thud on Sunday

February 7, 2021

Katherine Kersten gives even ordinary bigots a bad name

Pandemicus limeratica II

May 11, 2020

Pence will not wear a mask!

Did you ever have to make up your mind?

March 25, 2018

We live in interesting times here in Edina, Dario, no?

Katherine Kersten’s gift to Edina for Black History Month

January 22, 2018

“We must be tolerant of intolerance,” says the CAE’s Katherine Kersten

White flight, racial covenants, and sundown town

November 5, 2017

Carpet bombing with racism

Suck it up, boys

November 1, 2017

“Quite Frankly” Sutter’s husband spouts off

Multiculturalism is the root of all evil

October 13, 2017

According to Katherine Kersten and the Center of the American Experiment

Edina 11th grader wins the coveted Spotty!

October 12, 2017

For shredding the contemptible Katherine Kersten of the CAE

Strib letter writer wins a Spotty!

July 5, 2015

Last Sunday, Katherine Kersen — after a layoff that obviously allowed her to build up a head of steam — had a commentary in the Strib decrying sustainability as a heretical plot. Well, a lot of Strib readers parked that hanging curveball in the seats. Today, the Strib published six (6) of them; not one supported the […]

Agenda 21 meets Hester Pyrnne

September 22, 2014

There was a minor Twitter explosion on Sunday the 21st because Katherine Kersten had clawed her way onto the opinion pages of the Strib again. I say minor, because let’s be frank, not that many people took the time to read it. The thrust of the piece was that the Metropolitan Council is really just […]