Turning Christianity on its head

May 19, 2020

Get together and hug each at church didn’t work out so well

Minnesota’s investment follies

August 2, 2019

Word comes via the Star Tribune that Minnesota’s investment board has invested in Glencore, Antofagasta, and Enbridge. Swell. In addition to the teensy conflict of interest it presents (all are supplicants to Minnesota agencies), this makes some members of the environmental community, well, gag, on a general level. Some people are asking for divestiture. As […]

“Keith Ellison, I’m watching you,” says Kurt Daudt

June 1, 2019

Kurt, sometimes it isn’t about you, nor is it up to you

Keith Ellison is the only choice for Attorney General

November 3, 2018

An unreserved endorsement . . .

Doug Wardlow’s blogging while clerking scandal

October 27, 2018

A lawyer’s perspective

Writer of LTE condemning Doug Wardlow wins a Spotty ™

October 13, 2018

The letter of the day in the print edition of the Strib for Saturday, October 13th wins a Spotty™. Republican Doug Wardlow’s comments at a recent Jason Lewis fundraiser that if he is elected attorney general he would fire “42 Democratic attorneys right off the bat and get Republican attorneys in there” (StarTribune.com, Oct. 12) is proof-positive […]


October 8, 2018

A story about the story

Deconstructing Doug Wardlow, part three

October 1, 2018

The advocate

Deconstructing Doug Wardlow, part two

September 24, 2018

The theocrat

Deconstructing Doug Wardlow

September 18, 2018

Marching to the beat of a long-dead drummer

A Noogie for Dougie

August 30, 2018

Please see the update below. We must begin by noting that Doug Wardlow, the default candidate of the Republicans for attorney general in Minnesota, holds himself out as a great 1st Amendment lawyer. Yes, and as I have often observed, I am Louis the Sun King. We’ve had a chance to see the great 1st […]

Asia Argento killed #IBelieveWomen

August 23, 2018

Or at least the notion that women must always be believed without the examination of the circumstances. “Belief in women is my default position.” “Women are ‘entitled’ to be believed.” Those are just a couple of responses to Twitter comments of mine questioning the timing of the story and the credibility of the accuser against […]