The crème de la crème

August 20, 2018

A wing nut’s wing nut – Doug Wardlow

Don’t listen to Doug, part about, oh, 100 or so

October 29, 2017

It is always gratifying when Doug Tice gives Democrats advice. We appreciate it. However, he’s like the creepy old man who tells you to walk closer to the edge of the cliff so you can see better. “No thanks, Mister!” In the Sunday newspaper, Tice again selflessly shares in the Democratic angst. As he does sometimes, […]

Damn you, Electoral Collage!

November 22, 2016

I saw a tweet the other day blaming the “Electoral Collage” for Hillary Clinton’s loss. A typo, no doubt, but I like the imagery. There has been a lot of blaming of the Electoral College for the Democrats’ losses, noting that Clinton won the popular vote, which she did. But that is not the way we […]

Drinking Liberally talks politics

October 8, 2016

Well, even more than usual

Scott Johnson’s book report

December 17, 2014

I was naturally excited to learn that Scott Johnson had also read Keith Ellison’s recent and charming memoir, My Country ‘Tis of Thee. Since the New York Review of Books, and even The Atlantic, rejected Scott’s review, he had to turn to his pal Doug Tice at the Strib to get it published. Which is, naturally, as […]

Keith Ellison: Why I wrote this book

May 5, 2014

Keith Ellison talks about his book at Drinking Liberally from LEFT MN on Vimeo. Rep. Ellison described his book, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” and what prompted him to write it when he spoke at Drinking Liberally on May 1st.

Keith Ellison on the Better Off Budget

May 3, 2014

Words from the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus

Keith Ellison at Drinking Liberally

Keith Ellison at Drinking Liberally tomorrow, May the 1st

April 30, 2014

Tomorrow night, Thursday the first of May, Drinking Liberally Minneapolis will be joined by Minnesota’s fifth district US Congressman Keith Ellison. That’s him you see in the picture above. As the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Congressman Ellison is among the country’s leading progressive voices in Washington and one of our favorite guests at […]


Minnesota’s Congressional Delegation, Syria and 2014

September 7, 2013

[Editors Note: typically I do a Weekly Wrap™ on the weekends. This week I got about 600 words into the first item about the Syria vote and thought to myself (and here’s where the editor’s note goes even more meta), “self, you should just make this it’s own stand-alone post.” So that’s what this is. […]

Look out, Texas, here comes Big Will

April 15, 2013

And you’ll probably never be the same

Drinking Liberally’s Really Big Show: the video

November 3, 2012

Featuring Nancy Nelson, Mark Osler and Keith Ellison

Interview with Keith Ellison after Drinking Liberally’s Really Big Show

November 2, 2012

On November 1, 2012