Bakk announces session priorities

January 10, 2013

Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk (DFL-Cook) announced the Senate DFL’s opening bills of the 2013 session at a Capitol press conference Thursday morning. The first four bills tackle a diverse array of subjects, including a health care exchange, indexing the minimum wage to inflation, all day kindergarten in Minnesota schools, and limiting the power of […]

A third of Edina voters potentially disenfranchised by the photo ID amendment

September 23, 2012

It is remarkable — and certainly sobering — to recognize that a third of the voters in my hometown of Edina probably could not have voted in 2008 had the photo ID for voting amendment been in place. In the last presidential election, 31,512 residents of the city voted. Of that number, 3,763, over ten percent, were […]

“Baby Boy” Carlson III

September 16, 2012

Can Mary Kiffmeyer come to Arne’s rescue?

Voting obstacles for the homeless

June 12, 2012

Homeless? Just try and vote!

Katie lights the exploding cigar II

June 11, 2012

Katherine Kersten learns about the law of unintended consequences

Katie lights the exploding cigar

June 10, 2012

A reflexive response by litigious elements

Minnesota State Capitol

Suppressing the vote

April 13, 2012

How hard is it to get a photo ID? Just ask Judy.

Tony Cornish

Amen, Tony, Amen

April 3, 2012

“The worst thing we can do is think we can solve all the world’s problems with another law.”