Paul Thissen speaks at microphone

Marriage Equality in 2013: The In-between Representatives

December 11, 2012

[Updated: The original version of this post contained erroneous information about Representative-elect Roger Erickson’s voting record. As an incoming representative, he has no voting record on the amendment in question.] I started this series of posts, this post being the third in a series, with a post that introduced the series and discussed its purpose. Generally that’s what you do with […]

LeftMN Radio Hour

LeftMN Radio Hour 12-9

December 9, 2012

This week we talk with Representative-elect Jason Isaacson about the election, freshman orientation and of course, the budget

Holding Hands

Politics is the art of the possible

December 5, 2012

Easily, one of the most contentious and public pieces of legislation in the 2013 session of the Minnesota legislature will be a proposal to repeal a portion of Minn. Stat. sec. 517.03 – specifically, the language that precludes marriage recognition from same-sex couples. Complicating matters is the odious Defense of Marriage Act, and its current […]

LeftMN Radio Hour

LeftMN Radio Hour 12-2

December 2, 2012

This week we talk with Rich Neumeister about privacy issues, license plate readers being one of them and how you can be a citizen lobbyist

Kriesel for Governor?

The Weekly Wrap 11-30

November 30, 2012

Two recounts happened this week and changed nothing. Also, rumors of 2014 dance in peoples heads.

MNUnited Victory Party

Marriage Equality in 2013: The Overview

November 26, 2012

The beginning of a series looking at the chances for Marriage equality in this session

We have them right where we want them!

November 18, 2012

Now, says Katherine Kersten, the Republicans must press their advantage

Another Catholic Voting NO

Did the Marriage amendment deliver the suburbs to the DFL?

November 9, 2012

With the DFL winning back both chambers of the Minnesota Legislature, due largely to their strength in the suburbs, the question has been asked (and was being asked before the election too), did the Marriage amendment help to deliver the suburbs to the DFL? I’m going to explore that idea a bit in this post, […]

Mary Franson - Bob Cunniff

One vote separates Mary Franson and Bob Cunniff in 8B

November 8, 2012

What are the odds she loses?

Minnesota State Capitol

Legislative races to watch on election night

November 5, 2012

In this post I will endeavor to provide a round-up, as these things are typically described, of the top Legislative races to watch on election night. You’ll notice that I didn’t specify a number of races that I will list. Yes, my snobbery runs deep. I’ve instead divided the races that I have included into three categories of races, in descending order […]

Amy Klobuchar at the DFL Convention

The Weekly Wrap 11-2

November 2, 2012

It’s the last Wrap before the election and the excitement is barely containable

St. Cloud State University

The Weekly Wrap 10-26

October 26, 2012

A new poll kind of gets released, Larry Sabato updates MN-8 and nobody can say what Senator David Hann actually does for a living