Tony Petrangelo at Drinking Liberally

The Weekly Wrap 6-15

June 15, 2013

More Republicans, and even some Democrats, pile into MN-6

Michele Bachmann's mean face

The Weekly Wrap 5-18

May 18, 2013

♣ The big news this week was the passage through the Senate, and the signing by Governor Dayton, of the Marriage equality bill. That happened on Monday and Tuesday. The next day, Wednesday, Minnesotans United for All Families, the organization that was instrumental in the defeat of the Marriage amendment last November and in the […]

Erik Simonson

The Weekly Wrap 9-30

September 30, 2012

It was a good week for Minnesota Democrats. The Minnesota Supreme Court let them switch candidates in Duluth, and some excellent poll numbers came out

Tim Pawlenty is out of his league

The Weekly Wrap 9-23

September 23, 2012

This week’s wrap, like last weeks wrap, is light on prose, but heavy on embedded YouTube videos.

Jesse and Terry Ventura

The Weekly Wrap 9-16

September 16, 2012

It was a week of polls and ads. And then more polls and then more ads. The campaign season is officially in full swing.

Our Vote Our Future

Money raised in support of and opposition to the two constitutional amendments

June 21, 2012

The fundraising reports for all the groups raising and spending money for and against the two constitutional amendments were due on the 19th and the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board made them available yesterday morning. This post is a brief overview of what was in those reports. There were no fewer than eight groups […]