A shameless pitch for Drinking Liberally on February 6th

February 3, 2020

Fourteen years of bullshit -the eBook

On the court rejecting a mining company permit

December 10, 2019

Now with a 12/11 update . . .

PolyMet permitting timeline

December 6, 2019

A companion to the eBook: Fourteen Years of Bullshit

PolyMet: Fourteen Years of Bullshit, the eBook

December 2, 2019

With a link to free ePub, azw3, and mobi format copies, and as a PDF, too


Why did a Court of Appeals Judge ask if PolyMet’s dam was a Hail Mary?

October 29, 2019

It’s more of a Lazarus, really

Shannon Lotthammer: We don’t know where all that mercury is coming from

October 27, 2019

It’s a puzzle that the TMDL study would have answered, which is why it was scotched

Keep up the good work, people

October 6, 2019

I shudder to think where we’d be without you

How do you drown-proof a mine? Part 3, a reprise

September 21, 2019

The denouement – and a prediction comes true

How do you drown-proof a mine? Part 2, a reprise

September 21, 2019

It’s still the question on everyone’s lips

How do you drown-proof a mine? A reprise

September 21, 2019

It’s the question on everyone’s lips

Follow the money

September 19, 2019

The rep from mining

Never mind Denmark, there’s something rotten in Minnesota

September 16, 2019

Revelation after revelation