Glahn hauls it in
The pre-primary campaign finance reports are in. Bill Glahn, candidate for the House in District 49A, shows $30,387 in individual contributions since starting his committee in May. A showing of broad community support, right? Well shall see.
Incidentally, it is his committee, since he is both the chair and the treasurer of the committee. Legal — surprising to me, since the idea of campaign finance regulation in the first place is to keep the candidate away from the money — but very unusual, to say the least.
But don’t be alarmed; it’s mostly Glahn money anyway. When you add Glahn’s $23,325 contribution to the $1,500 from various State of Virginia Glahns, you get — um; hold on a second — $24,825.
Net of Glahn money, that’s $5,562. Impressive. His website has undoubtedly helped him a lot.
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