Indivisible comes to Drinking Liberally in Minneapolis
Indivisible MN03 at Drinking Liberally, August 3, 6 PM at the 331 Club
When Barack Obama was elected, and especially when the landmark Affordable Care Act was being considered, there arose across the land hordes of plastic grassroots groups called the Tea Party. They were bussed arouned to rallies, including Washington, by people like Dick Armey and the Koch brothers. They even showed up at the Minnesota Capitol a few times.

Tea Party in action (Steve Timmer photo)
But it was clear to some people, including some staffers for Democratic Congressional members, that the Tea Party had an effect.
So when Donald the Orange was elected, it occurred to these people that encouraging real grass roots organizations to agitate in certain districts would be a good idea. And Indivisible was born. And so was Indivisible MN03, a chapter dedicated to casting some light on the record of third congressional district representative, Erik Paulsen, or Erik the Silent, as I call him.
Indivisible and the Tea Party are dissimilar in many, many ways — including spelling acumen — but they share a focus on local activism. Indivisible MN03 had made a real dent in Erik the Silent’s recent public appearances.
Now, I have buried the lede, but I wanted to show you the photo from the Tea Party rally. Here are the deets: Clara Severson, a leader of Indivisible MN03 will be our guest at Drinking Liberally on Thursday, August 3rd, at the 331 Club in Minneapolis, to talk about her organization and well, Erik the Silent, too.
We will start to gather at the 331 Club around six PM, and Clara will take the stage at seven.
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