A Lobby Day photo album
On Thursday, April 19th, Minnesotans United for All Families, Outfront Minnesota, and others sponsored a rally and Lobby Day at the Capitol. You probably heard about it. The weather was flat-out miserable, going from mist to sleet to ice pellets to heavy snow in the space of a couple of hours. Nevertheless, a large and enthusiastic crowd was in attendance and many people had a chance to buttonhole their legislators.
There was a rally at noon where several people, including Governor Dayton, spoke.
Ken Martin and Cory Day from the DFL were there. In this photo, they are speaking with Scott Dibble, a principal author of the marriage equality bill in the Senate.
There was a whole bus load of people from Rochester, and they kept Dave Senjem busy.
Did I mention there was a bus load?
Some legislators, though, like Senator Limmer, used the occasion to bathe in the light, while Pat Kessler checked his pulse.
There were lots of signs.
And as usual, there were some school kids there to just gape at the Capitol Dome in amazement.
I have some more that I’ll try to publish in coming days.
All photos by the author.
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