A pathological hatred of school funding

June 6, 2019

This is from January. Gov. Tim Walz is aiming to overhaul the way Minnesota funds its schools, putting more responsibility on the state and making local referendums “either rare or extinct.” As he finalizes his first budget, the DFL governor said he’s focused on reversing what he sees as a disturbing trend: a leveling off […]


It’s about gun violence, idiots

June 3, 2019

There’s some hyperbole in the title. They’re not really idiots. The people who make the calls for corporate media honestly believe that their #1 priority has to be not offending the no longer so very young, largely conservative-leaning people who make up the bulk of their subscriber/viewer/listener base. I get that, though I personally don’t […]

“Keith Ellison, I’m watching you,” says Kurt Daudt

June 1, 2019

Kurt, sometimes it isn’t about you, nor is it up to you

Tehran, Iran

Will Trump really start a war with Iran?

May 28, 2019

I doubt it, but…

Former DNR Commish Tom Landwehr:

May 27, 2019

The fate of the headwaters of the St. Louis River is in Minnesota’s hands

I see you’re a Democrat . . .

May 23, 2019

Something new and disturbing will happen if you want to vote in Minnesota’s presidential primary next year. You will have to disclose a party affiliation, or at least say which party’s ballot you want. The election judges in your precinct will record that information and the Secretary of State will collect these data from around […]

PolyMet: The readily apparent becomes wholly manifest

May 21, 2019

This is about as unsurprising as anything could be: (May 8), global mining giant Glencore moves one big step closer to owning the proposed Northern Minnesota copper-nickel venture PolyMet… Fundamentally, Glencore is a different kind of mining company than the Iron Range has dealt with in recent years. They’re enormous and fast-moving, anti-union and hard-bargaining. […]

Historic Fort Snelling at Bdote

April 26, 2019

As many of you know, Senator Mary Kiffmeyer wants to lop $4 million dollars off the budget of the Minnesota Historical Society because the new sign at the Visitors’ Center at Fort Snelling reads: Historic Fort Snelling at Bdote. Bdote is the Dakota word for the “spur of land at the confluence of the Mississippi […]

The giant freakout continues, unabated, part five

April 17, 2019

When is a proclamation not a proclamation?


Redistricting Minnesota: A New And Better Solution Emerges

April 10, 2019

Last Thursday at Drinking Liberally Minneapolis we were treated to a discussion of the census, redistricting, how redistricting is done in Minnesota, and how it could be done better. Topics like this are what the kids these days refer to as “click bait” and what has made Drinking Liberally Minneapolis such a hot ticket. This […]

I really thought we had grown

April 5, 2019

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve found the journalists’ game of Buzkashi over the carcass of Mohamed Noor to be distressing and distasteful. The demand by journalists to see the disturbing and lurid body cam video as it is shown to the jury (and then undoubtedly reported and commented on while […]

Anything but a gas tax

March 19, 2019

One of the best grifter entertainments to occur this session is over Governor Walz’s proposed 20 cent gas tax increase (phased in). We’ll start with this wonderful game of three card monte.  Being as kind as I can be, but remaining direct, Jason Rarick is a clueless twit. I cannot believe that the Senate […]