The giant freakout continues, unabated, part four

March 11, 2019

When South Africa calls you out as an apartheid state, it’ll leave a mark

The giant freakout continues, unabated, part three

March 6, 2019

Taking Ilhan Omar to the woodshed

Sigmund Spot gets another new patient

February 25, 2019

Ah, Mr. Bear, come in and zit on za couch. That’s Representative Bahr. Zat’s what I said, Bear. No, it’s . . .  nevermind. Vut brings you here? The Republican caucus members thought it might do some good. But I doubt it; I don’t believe in this stuff. I zee. I’m really a referral from […]


On comments

February 16, 2019

The great freakout continues, unabated, parts one and two

The giant freakout continues, unabated, part two

February 14, 2019

Caught in the jaws of AIPAC

The giant freakout continues, unabated

February 12, 2019

Ilhan Omar is beside the point

Oh for the evangelical certainty of an engineer!

January 30, 2019

And who is Dennis Martenson, anyway?

2018 American Community Survey Form

A look at the updated American Community Survey numbers for Minnesota

January 23, 2019

At the beginning of the year the United State Census Bureau released updated results from the American Community Survey, a massive continuous survey project the bureau undertakes between censuses. With redistricting coming up in 2021 it’s perhaps worth checking in on the updated ACS numbers to see what’s been going on in Minnesota and how […]

If you pay the gas tax, at least you own a car

January 20, 2019

Bad ideas never die

Minnesota Senate Minority Leader Tom Bakk has one priority for 2021: Gerrymandering Minnesota

January 16, 2019

This is a paragraph from a recent J.Patrick Coolican piece in the StarTribune: Indeed, at a Chamber of Commerce dinner last week, Bakk said redistricting is his reason for running for re-election in 2020. This must sound strange to a layman’s ears, who might guess that a lawmaker would want to craft education or health […]

Minnesota Senate District 11 Bonus Election Preview

January 9, 2019

On Thursday January 3rd Governor-elect Tim Walz announced the appointment of now former State Senator Tony Lourey as the commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Within 24-hours five candidates had jumped into the race to succeed him in the State Senate with another two joining the following week. Of the seven, two are […]

Dispatches from the War on Christmas

December 16, 2018

Take that, Bill O’Reilly and Ann Coulter