An unapologetic love letter to Historic Fort Snelling – a reprise

May 3, 2017

2017 note: The Minnesota Historical Society is trying again this year to get bond funding from the Legislature to renew and improve Historic Fort Snelling for its bicentennial year in 2020. o O o There was a crowd, just as large, on the other side of the parade grounds, too. Memorial Day 2016. Historic Fort […]

Mayor Chris Coleman headlines Drinking Liberally

April 24, 2017

Thursday, April 27th, gathering at six and program at seven

Get ready for Earth Day at Drinking Liberally

April 18, 2017

Thursday evening, April 20th; gathering at six and program at seven

Kim Jong-un is really an annoying little s**t

April 15, 2017

Everybody thought he was going to set off another big firecracker on his grandpa’s birthday: The United States, China and other regional powers had feared that North Korea might mark the occasion by conducting its sixth nuclear test or by launching an intercontinental ballistic missile. The United States sent a naval strike group to the coast […]


On comments

April 9, 2017

Transportation and the Supreme Court

DJ has a sad

April 3, 2017

D.J. Tice may be excused for fawning over Supreme Court nominee, the great wooden cigar store Indian, Neil Gorsuch. D.J. criticized (with some justification) the grandstanding Democrats and the blubbering, grandstanding Republicans at the recent hearing on the Gorsuch nomination. To me, the reason that Gorsuch should be rejected is not because of a frozen […]

“People don’t care one iota”

April 2, 2017

The Minnesota House of Representatives passed a transportation bill: The Minnesota House on Friday approved a $2.2 billion transportation plan that would boost state spending on roads and bridges and likely force cuts to public transit. Here’s what the bill’s chief author, Rep. Paul Torkelson, R-Hanska, said about the it; the bill contemplates spending $6 […]

“Fascism is the result of the failure of the left to provide an alternative”

March 27, 2017

Update 4/7/17: Readers here know that I am an admirer of writer Thomas Frank. He just finished a long and international book tour that ended in his home town, Kansas City. I am sure it was kind of a valedictory presentation for him. Here’s a video of his appearance at the Kansas City Public Library; […]

Paul goes fishing with Fredo

March 26, 2017

From The Hill on Saturday evening: Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro, whose show President Trump urged his followers on Twitter to watch earlier in the day, opened her program on Saturday evening by calling on Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to step down. “Ryan needs to step down as Speaker of the House. The reason, […]

Dear rural friends: it’s not our fault: a reprise

March 20, 2017

The politics of grievance and resentment

Erin Murphy explains high risk pools at Drinking Liberally

March 3, 2017

Representative Erin Murphy was Drinking Liberally’s guest on February 23rd. She was the first DFL (or any, I think) candidate to announce that she would run for governor in 2018. And as we know, the road to the governor’s mansion passes right through Drinking Liberally. Rep. Murphy spoke on a range of subjects and took […]

The comedy team of David & Linda

March 2, 2017

When Sen. David Osmek and Rep. Linda Runbeck filed legislative resolutions to divert about a billion federal dollars away from the Southwest Light Rail Transit line, I almost wrote about it then, but I decided to wait for the inevitable denouement. (I like that word; I haven’t had a chance to use it lately.) Said […]